2023 Community Economic Development Project Funding

January 16, 2023


The 2023 Community Economic Development grants program is now receiving applications. Closing is February 24th, 2023 at 4:00PM.

The annual Community Economic Development (CED) Funding Program provides financial support to selected projects that are anticipated to result in:

  • Resilient job creation (continuing beyond the funding period)
  • Business enterprise creation (for-profits and/or social enterprises)

The program endeavours to positively impact historically under-represented segments of the Ottawa population (e.g. residents of lower income neighbourhoods, youth, older adults, rural residents, new immigrants, racialized and indigenous populations, etc.) through financial support to non-profit agencies for new, or expanded, projects that assist targeted residents to overcome identified obstacles to the creation of new jobs and/or new enterprises.

Projects should indicate how the applicant non-profit agency will increase its capacity to support the economic objectives of targeted beneficiaries beyond the funding period. Projects should indicate how targeted populations will be enabled to overcome their identified disadvantages.

The CED Funding Program awards a total of up to $280,000 per year, distributed among the proposals that are selected by a jury panel of reviewers. While proposals may have inherent merits, funds are awarded only among the top-ranked projects, until the annual funding maximum is reached.

Eligibility of Applicant

In accordance with the City of Ottawa Grants and Contributions Policy, funding can only be granted to organizations that meet these requirements and follow these practices:

  • Registered as a non-profit organization
  • Operated in a non-discriminatory manner, as set out by the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
  • Governed by a democratically elected Board of Directors
  • Efficient, effective and fiscally responsible (demonstrated through the last two annual financial statements)
  • In good financial standing with the City of Ottawa

The following types of organizations/programs are ineligible for funding:

  • For-profit organizations or ventures
  • Non-profit organizations sponsoring for-profit organizations
  • Organizations with a political affiliation, or which participate in political activities
  • Organizations which act primarily as a funding source for other groups
  • Faith-based organizations where the services/activities include the promotion and/or required adherence to a specific faith
  • Organizations whose programs fall within the legislated mandate of other governments or City departments
  • Provincial/national organizations, unless a local chapter/branch exists that serves the residents of the City of Ottawa specifically

For further details and to apply, visit the City of Ottawa website.