On January 21, the Kanata North Office held an information session on the proposed development at 475 Terry Fox Drive. There was a great turnout, with plenty of questions from residents and answers from Ironclad Development’s staff and consultants. During the meeting, it was emphasized that this information session was the first step in the process, as Ironclad has not yet submitted a formal application for the proposed development.
Due to some technical issues, we may have had some residents who were not able to gain access to the online meeting for the proposed development at 475 Terry Fox Drive. However, the meeting was recorded, and the developer is open to answering any questions the residents have. You can view the recording of the meeting at 475 Terry Fox Information Session. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at cathy.curry@ottawa.ca and we will connect you to the representatives from Ironclad Development who can answer your questions. Again, given the new provincial timelines for development applications, you are learning about this development BEFORE an application has even been submitted. As a result, there isn’t a planner assigned yet who will oversee this file. Planning staff have been sent the recording of the online meeting, however, for their early consideration. Of course, if there are any updates on this file, I will continue to let you know about them right away.