Kanata North Newsletter- August 23 navigation-next-alternate

Kanata North Community Newsletter for August 23, 2024 The latest newsletter is now available at Kanata North Community Newsletter. Please share this update with your neighbours and encourage them to sign up for upcoming newsletters here on my website.

Denley: Sutcliffe right to ask the feds and province to pony up navigation-next-alternate

Sharing the Ottawa Citizen Denley column: “Sutcliffe right to ask the feds and province to pony up” Read the article here.

West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease in Ottawa navigation-next-alternate

Sharing an update from Ottawa Public Health: West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease in Ottawa When ticks and mosquitoes are active, they have the potential to spread infections to Ottawa area residents. What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacteria …

Emergency Preparedness Info from Hydro Ottawa navigation-next-alternate

Climate change will continue to present extreme weather events in our city and increase stress on our critical infrastructure systems. Now more than ever we are encouraging customers to be prepared in the case of emergencies. Most power outages will be over almost as soon as they begin, but some …

Three-item limit coming for curbside waste collection navigation-next-alternate

Starting Monday, September 30, the City will be implementing a three-item garbage limit for residents who receive curbside waste collection. This limit includes residents whose waste is collected in one shared location – often called a common pad – and those living on agricultural properties. Ottawa has had a six-item …

Kanata North Newsletter- May 17 navigation-next-alternate

Kanata North Community Newsletter for May 17, 2024 The latest newsletter is now available at Kanata North Community Newsletter. Please share this update with your neighbours and encourage them to sign up for upcoming newsletters here on my website.

Road Resurfacing navigation-next-alternate

Our team has received notification that, as part of the City of Ottawa’s annual infrastructure maintenance cycle, road resurfacing work will take place in/near our community. Work will involve milling/pulverizing of the existing surface and roadway resurfacing. This work is being done as preventative maintenance aimed at extending the City’s …

1158 Old Second Line Road navigation-next-alternate

Please note that the Zoning By-law Amendment for 1158 Old Second Line Road will be considered by the City of Ottawa Planning and Housing Committee on Wednesday May 8, 2024. A copy of the report outlining the Departmental recommendation is available here: 4.1 – ACS2024-PDB-PS-0061 – 1158 Old …

Hydro One Vegetation Maintenance navigation-next-alternate

Our team has received notification that Hydro One will be completing scheduled vegetation maintenance in the high-voltage transmission corridor in our community. Please see below map of the general work area: Hydro One is responsible for maintaining a safe distance between vegetation and power lines to keep the corridor …

Watermain Cathodic Protection navigation-next-alternate

You may have received a pamphlet from the City of Ottawa regarding the installation of cathodic protection anodes in your area. Why is this being done and will your neighbourhood be affected? The City of Ottawa’s Water Services completes preventative water main maintenance to ensure the continued efficient delivery of …