New Ways to Bus – Bus Stop Changes Update

October 16, 2024


Our team received an update on the status and next steps of the construction of new bus stop infrastructure associated with the launch of the New Ways to Bus network.

All of the new stops planned as part of the New Ways to Bus network changes have been designed to be compliant with the City of Ottawa’s Accessibility Design Standards (COADS), and efforts have been taken to provide new stops in locations that are convenient, connected, and which minimize impacts to local residents while ensuring safe and efficient service can be delivered to customers.

The construction of the new bus stops will be completed in phases due to the large amount of new infrastructure required throughout the city. Implementation of the Phase 1 infrastructure package, accounting for roughly 70% of the new stops requiring construction, is anticipated to be completed this fall. Notices to residents adjacent to the sites where new bus stops will be constructed in Phase 1 will be issued in the coming days.

As part of the New Ways to Bus network changes, several existing bus stops that are currently marked as not in service will be reinstated in locations where transit service will once again operate. Given that no new infrastructure is required, these locations have been added to the Phase 1 stop implementation list and the existing “stop not in use” flag will be replaced with a new bus stop flag. This includes the following locations within Kanata North:

New Ways to Bus – New Stop Infrastructure – Phase 1 Additions

    • Stop ID 9931, Marconi E Burwash Landing FS, Route 63: Service reinstatement to existing stop
    • Stop ID 9932, Marconi E Maxwell Bridge FS, Route 63: Service reinstatement to existing stop

Construction of the infrastructure for the Phase 2 and 3 locations is planned for Spring-Summer 2025, with the understanding that temporary stop infrastructure will be in place to allow service at all new bus stop locations when the New Ways to Bus network launches, should the construction of the Phase 2 and 3 stop infrastructure not be completed prior to the New Ways to Bus launch.

In summary, the following tables identify the stop changes that are required within Kanata North as part of Phase 2 and 3:

New Ways to Bus – New Stop Infrastructure – Phase 2

  • Stop ID 0045, Maritime E Canadian Shield NS, Route 161: Accessible landing zone upgrade
  • Stop ID 5446, Kanata S Stikine NS, Route 161: Accessible landing zone upgrade
  • Stop ID 5876, Penfield W Rutherford FS, Route 265: Accessible landing zone upgrade
  • Stop ID 5873, Leacock E Casgrain NS, Route 265: Accessible landing zone upgrade
  • Stop ID 0780, Halton S McBrien FS, Route 63: Accessible landing zone upgrade

New Ways to Bus – New Stop Infrastructure – Phase 3

  • Stop ID 5879, Penfield W Banting NS, Route 265: Accessible landing zone upgrade
  • Stop ID 0970, Huntmar E Campeau FS, Route 162: Accessible landing zone upgrade
  • Stop ID 0450, Halton N Dunollie NS, Route 63: Accessible landing zone upgrade
  • Stop ID 6572, Klondike N Marconi FS, Routes 63 and 110: Accessible landing zone upgrade

Additional details for each location are available in this PDF document: NWTB Stops Update – Ward 4. It outlines the required infrastructure and includes a sketch for each of the new stops.